Sunday, June 8, 2008

Me vs. the Banana Cream Pie

And I won...after three rounds. I have been making my own pie crust in the last year or so but I have mostly made it for fruit pies and for pumpkin pie. Fruit pies don't have you fully bake the crust in advance as this banana cream pie does. I decided that I want to be an excellent pie baker and I am going to make all of the pies in the Williams-Sonoma Pies book. So, when I made my pate brisee and baked it in the pie plate in the oven, it shrunk from the edges and looked terrible. I repeated it and it again, slipped down. I then changed pie plates to my favorite red pie plate with a substantial ridge to which I made a thicker crust. That did it. I made the delicious custard and put in the bananas and topped it with a rum- whipped cream. My mom said this pie crust was the best she has ever had... even better than my Great-Aunt Mary or Great-Aunt Marie. Well, I aspire to become one of the pie making queens like my Aunt Mary and Aunt Marie- so that made me feel really good. One pie down, many to go.

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